Thomas J. Fan

Thomas J. Fan is a maintainer for scikit-learn, an open-source machine learning library for Python. He led the development of scikit-learn's set_output API, which allows transformers to return pandas DataFrames. Previously, Thomas worked at Columbia University to improve interoperability between scikit-learn and AutoML systems. He is a maintainer for skorch, a neural network library that wraps PyTorch. Thomas holds a Master's in Mathematics from NYU and a Master's in Physics from Stony Brook University.

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Scikit-learn on GPUs with Array API
Thomas J. Fan

Scikit-learn was traditionally built and designed to run machine learning algorithms on CPUs using NumPy arrays. In version 1.3, scikit-learn can now run a subset of its functionality with other array libraries, such as CuPy and PyTorch, using the Array API standard. By adopting the standard, scikit-learn can now operate on accelerators such as GPUs. In this talk, we learn about scikit-learn's API for enabling the feature and the benefits and challenges of adopting the Array API standard.

Winter Garden (Room 5412)